munich ex libris 10/30/91 d
esterhofen ballroom 4/25/92 d
esterhofen ballroom 2/5/93 d
rostock ms stubnitz 3/23/95 d
weiden juz 1/25/95 d
kaufbeuren melodrom 2/3/96 d
landshut rolling stone 4/20/96 d
chemnitz b-plan 8/3/96 d
kaufbeuren melodrom 5/26/96 d
berlin die insel 8/9/96 d
utrecht ekko 10/26/96 nl
magdeburg factory 12/17/96 d
jena kassablanca 12/28/96 d
kaufbeuren melodrom 12/31/96 d
london gossips 1/31/97 uk
munich amok 2/21/97 d
messkirch abby 6/5/97 d
aachen az bunker 5/23/97 d
philadelphia trocadero 8/23/97 usa
albany oe2 8/24/97 usa
milwaukee the rave 8/30/97 usa
san francisco cocodries 9/3/97 usa
seattle fenix 9/4/97 usa
los angeles das bunker 9/5/97 usa
munich reaktor hall 10/30/97 d
munich amok 11/1/97 d
mechelen theatrium 3/21/98 b
leipzig wgt 5/30/98 d
arnheim xtreactor 6/26/98 nl
straßbourg la laiterie 8/1/98 fr
chemnitz la solaire 9/11/98 d
hamburg markthalle 9/12/98 d
halle/saale palette 9/13/98 d
gießen ausweg 9/14/98 d
munich feierwerk 9/16/98 d
braunschweig jolly joker 9/17/98 d
duisburg plastique 9/18/98 d
cannes mjc picaud 10/3/98 fr
heidelberg schwimmbad 11/11/98 d
waregem the steeple 2/27/99 b
los angeles das bunker 4/9/99 usa
san diego corrosion club 4/10/99 usa
san francisco dekonstrukt 4/11/99 usa
sacramento bojangles 4/12/99 usa
new york the bank 4/15/99 usa
chicago fireside bowl 4/16/99 usa
munich feierwerk 5/7/99 d
riega kgb headquarter 5/28/99 lat
arnheim xtreactor 6/26/99 nl
dour dour festival 7/10/99 b
waregem the steeple 7/24/99 b
london madame jojo`s 9/11/99 uk
kopenhagen metropolis 9/18/99 dk
munich backstage 10/28/99 d
aachen musikbunker 10/31/99 d
leipzig wgt 11/5/99 d
paris la locomotive 1/18/00 fr
london sllimelight 1/29/00 uk
vienna arena 2/4/00 a
nürnberg k4 2/5/00 d
bochum rockpalast 2/6/00 d
braunschweig jolly joker 2/7/00 d
kaiserslautern flash 2/8/00 d
osnabrück works 2/9/00 d
bremen tivoli 2/10/00 d
bad salzungen kallewerk 2/11/00 d
magdeburg factory 2/12/00 d
lyon le pezner 5/25/00 fr
marseille le poste a galene 5/26/00 fr
leipzig wgt 5/28/00 d
anaheim sandrellas 7/20/00 usa
san francisco maritime hall 7/21/00 usa
seattle foxies 7/22/00 usa
colorado springs industrial nation 7/23/00 usa
chicago morseland 7/24/00 usa
atlanta riviera 7/25/00 usa
washington dc deep6 7/26/00 usa
new york cbgbs 7/27/00 usa
lowell voix 7/28/00 usa
aachen maschinenfest 10/6/01 d
bremen tivoli 4/4/02 d
krefeld kulturfabrik 4/5/02 d
marburg kulthallen 4/6/02 d
nürnberg loop 4/7/02 d
berlin k17 4/8/02 d
leipzig moritzbastei 4/9/02 d
heidelberg schwimmbad 4/10/02 d
braunschweig meyers 4/11/02 d
munich katt 5/5/02 d
bradford infest 4/5/02 uk
leipzig wgt 6/7/03 d
west palm beach respectable street cafe 6/12/03 usa
atlanta riviera 6/13/03 usa
newark qxts 6/14/03 usa
seattle the vogue 6/16/03 usa
tempe the bash on ash 6/17/03 usa
san francisco the cherry bar 6/18/03 usa
los angeles das bunker 6/20/03 usa
san antonio sin 13 6/21/03 usa
and many many more...this list will be continued.....
been on tour with: Làme immortelle VNV Nation Decoded Feedback Re/Work Hypnoskull Holocaust Theory Tunnel Sonar Other Day The Escape